Measurement Evaluation Traffic Light

The traffic light in the Kardi Ai app shows you the evaluation result for each recording.

Kardi Ai does not diagnose heart attacks or other acute conditions. If you feel unwell, consider calling emergency services regardless of the measurement evaluation by the Kardi Ai system.

The color highlights of the record in the list and measurement detail indicate the evaluation of the presence of monitored heart rhythms using artificial intelligence.

Never self-diagnose or self-treat based on screening results. Always consult your doctor. Your diagnosis can only be definitively confirmed by a doctor based on further examination.

The Kardi Ai app performs only a preliminary EKG analysis (preliminary screening) through AI and informs the patient of a negative or positive preliminary screening. A definitive diagnosis can ONLY be made by a doctor after reviewing a single-lead EKG recording longer than 30 seconds or a 12-lead EKG and confirming the actual diagnosis.

Do not adjust your medication based on the values measured by this medical device or the results of the preliminary screening! Take your medication as prescribed by your treating physician. ONLY A DOCTOR IS QUALIFIED to diagnose and treat heart and circulatory-related conditions.

Last updated