Notification Center (Messages)

The Notification Center allows you to receive messages from Kardi Ai directly within the app.

The Notification Center is located in the Kardi Ai app under the Messages tab.

  • Each new message appears on the home screen.

  • Clicking on a message opens the notification center, which contains details of all received messages.

  • Some messages may contain a link to the Kardi Ai website. In this case, clicking on the message will open a new window with the relevant webpage.

Messages may include:

  • Technical Alerts

    • The strap has a low battery and needs to be replaced.

  • Subscription Information

    • The Kardi Ai service subscription is ending.

    • Instructions for renewing the subscription.

  • Measurement Count Information

    • Notification about the low number of ECG measurements.

  • Marketing Communications

    • Ongoing promotions and discounts.

    • Only if you have consented to receive commercial communications.

  • Tips and Tricks

    • Recommendations for using Kardi Ai.

Need help? Contact Kardi Ai customer support +420 779 998 100

Last updated