How to Proceed with Measurement Evaluation

Question 1: Do you feel okay?

1a) YES

  • Proceed to evaluate Question 2

1b) NO

  • Kardi Ai does not diagnose heart attacks or other acute conditions. If you do not feel well, consider calling emergency services regardless of the measurement evaluation by the Kardi Ai system.

Question 2: What color is the traffic light for the evaluated measurement?

2a) The traffic light color of the evaluated measurement is green

  • Kardi Ai did not detect any pathology that the Kardi Ai system monitors.

  • End the measurement evaluation.

2b) The traffic light color of the evaluated measurement is yellow or orange

  • Check which pathologies were detected. For each detected pathology, proceed to Question 3.

Question 3: Have you already discussed the detected pathology with your doctor?

3a) You have already discussed the detected pathology with your doctor.

  • Follow your doctor's instructions.

3b) You have not yet discussed the detected pathology with your doctor.

  • Proceed to Question 4.

Question 4: Do you have a cardiologist?

4a) Yes, I have a cardiologist.

  • Contact your cardiologist about the findings and follow the doctor's instructions.

4b) I do not have a cardiologist.

  • Contact your general practitioner about the findings and follow the doctor's instructions.

Last updated