Measuring ECG with Kardi Ai

Follow this step-by-step guide for accurate ECG recordings with the Kardi Ai chest strap.

When to Measure EKG

  • You can perform measurements anytime - both when experiencing health issues and as a preventive measure against heart disease.

  • We recommend measuring at least 3 times a week.

  • Each measurement should last at least 3 hours.

  • The total duration of your weekly measurements should exceed 7 hours.

  • Always measure when experiencing symptoms.

  • At least once a week, we recommend conducting a measurement during sleep (overnight).

The maximum duration of a single EKG recording is 24 hours.

  • To prevent skin irritation, allow the skin to rest.

  • The evaluation of the recording takes place after the recording is completed, and processing longer recordings may take several minutes.

To ensure proper data transmission from the chest strap to your mobile phone, keep the phone in close proximity to the chest strap during the recording.

Measurement Procedure

  1. Put on the Kardi Ai chest strap The chest strap does not need to be turned on; it activates automatically 10 seconds after being placed on the body.

    For proper fastening instructions, proceed to How to Put on the Chest Strap.

  2. Ensure your phone is sufficiently charged to avoid interrupting the recording.

  3. Start the Measurement

  4. Select Health Condition (Optional)

    Choose the health condition that will be saved with the current recording. The default setting is Routine Check. To change it, click the arrow and select from the list of options.

  5. Ongoing EKG Recording

  6. Recording Health Issues (Optional) If you experience health issues during the measurement, mark them using the Record Health Issues button. Marking health issues does not change the selected health condition from step 4. The marked health issues will be visible in the EKG recording report.

  7. End the Recording

    To end the recording, press the Stop EKG Recording button. ⚠️ If you do not end the recording using the Stop Recording button in the app, the measurement data will be lost.

After completing each EKG measurement, detach at least one electrode from the chest strap to extend battery life.

Recording Overview

You can find your EKG recording in the Recordings tab. A gray bar with a circle next to the recording indicates that the recording is being evaluated.

After the evaluation, a colored bar will appear next to your recording according to our traffic light system, and the evaluation will be ready.

For more information about the traffic light system for evaluated recordings, proceed to Measurement Evaluation Traffic Light.

If you feel unwell in any way, consider consulting a doctor immediately, regardless of the Kardi Ai measurement results. An ECG recording from the chest strap cannot detect a myocardial infarction or generally deteriorating blood supply to the heart. A negative finding does not indicate the reason for any chest pain.

Last updated